Saturday, March 14, 2009

Duncanian lies, bigger lies, and liarest realities

George N. Schmidt
ARN2 Strategy

The Chicago Plan wasn't stopped in its viral infancy here, and now it's going

to infect the entire USA.

Four years ago, I got a Q and A interview with Arne Duncan, a tradition we
have been following for 25 years with CPS top officials. The deal is that we do
the Q and A and provide the transcription back for corrections, and that we
then run it as is with a note saying it was agreed to by both sides to give our
readers the information about those who run the Chicago school system.

The first time I did an interview in this format was with Harold Washington
when he was running for mayor the first time.

The interview with Duncan never ran.

It was filled with lies, an amazing number. The guy will make up "facts" as
quickly as Ronald Reagan used to, and I finally spiked the project.

Over the years after that, he lied, lied more, and lied most about everything
from CPS budgets to sports to shootings. He was always on some kind of
script, and even then he would just slip in a lie or two, almost like a kid seeing
if he could get away with it.

During those years, I covered dozens of press conferences which included

We would quote him, then quote the facts or quote something he said earlier
the opposite of what he was saying now.

Finally, when people would ask me about Duncan, I would say: "You know when
Arne Duncan's lying when his mouth opens and words come out."

Welcome to CHICAUSA...

The Chicago Plan wasn't stopped in its viral infancy here, and now it's going
to infect the entire USA. Every piece will be tried, from un-accountable
clout-heavy charter school to "merit pay" run by TSA or "National Board Certified"
hacks. Plus scripted curricula for everybody, privatization of everything
possible (they'll probably start with food services), and a proliferation of
University of Chicago style "experts" who are even more ready to make up "facts"
than their protege, Arne Duncan.

The Chicago Boys have arrived.

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