“Are Kids too Coddled?”
Challenging Bruni’s Opinion with Scientific Data and Evidence
Denny Taylor, 2013
“Are kids too coddled?” Frank Bruni asks in The New York Times, November 24, 2013.
Bruni wants parents to stop whining and kids to toughen up. It’s a
predictable piece of writing, the kind that second career students, who
have opted-out of journalism or investment banking, often write in
graduate classes when their careers have been interrupted by the
technological or economic squeeze that has left them scrambling for an
easy alternative.
In the piece Bruni denigrates parents, dismisses the concerns of
teachers, and does not understand that the testimony of the social
is factual testimony and not uninformed opinion as he
professes. Bruni dismisses parents, teachers, and social workers, and he
genders moral authority when he quotes David Coleman’s simplistic and
fundamentally flawed proposition that rigorous standards “redefine
self-esteem as something achieved through hard work”.
In the US there are many people who have worked hard all their lives
and are looking for work. Similarly, there are many children in public
schools who work hard and are failing for reasons over which they have
no control. In many public schools kids have had the self esteem knocked
out of them by the developmentally inappropriate curriculum known as
the Common Core.
If Bruni handed me his opinion piece of writing in a graduate
literacy course that I was teaching, I would hand it back to him and
give him the opportunity to rewrite it. If he chose not to rewrite, he
would receive an inflated C for the piece and his final grade would be
impacted by the choice he had made. He would need A’s in all his other
assignments to squeak by with a B.
At the meeting that would follow the return of his paper we would
discuss the meaning of “opinion” – whether it be in journalism or in a
graduate course in education. I would probably say something about the
Supreme Court – that while US Supreme Court Justices render opinions,
they are opinions
informed by deep knowledge of Constitutional
Law, by a lifetime of experience in the legal profession, and by
rigorous legal research as it pertains to the cases that require the
Supreme Court Justices to express their collective opinion.
Given that Bruni criticizes “coddling”, I would not “coddle” him. I
would tell him that his off-the-cuff piece was opportunistic, filled
with writing contrivances, written at the expense of others, and lacking
in any substantive understanding of the topic on which he had chosen to
write. I would tell Bruni to do his homework, which he clearly has not,
and to rewrite and resubmit the essay.
I would explain that I expect him to work to the best of his ability,
and that I expect rigorous scholarship, even though in more than four
decades in education I have never administered a test, standardized or
otherwise. I would tell him that my job as a teacher is to ensure he has
every opportunity to think deeply about his scholarship, and to produce
a piece of writing that is imaginative and creative, as well as firmly
grounded in disciplined and systematic research.
“Don’t tell me to think,” a graduate student once told me. “Just tell me what you want me to do!”
“What I want you to do,” I replied, “is think.”
I would ask Bruni to
think. I would ask him to consider
whether tacked together anecdotes actually constitute an opinion piece,
and then take the anecdotes one by one and help him to really think
about them.
I would begin with his statement about the “welling hysteria from
right wing alarmists, who hallucinate a federal takeover of education
and the indoctrination of a next generation of government-loving
I would advise him to read “Whose Knowledge Counts in Government
Literacy Policies: How the Federal Government Used Science to Take Over
Public Schools” by the renowned reading scholar
Robert Calfee.
“In January 2002, President George W. Bush signed the
No Child Let Behind Act (NCLB;
PL 107-110) instituting a major federal encroachment on public
education in the United States,” Calfee writes. “The focus is on
literacy, but the implications are far reaching, and go to the core of
the intersections of science and politics, of knowledge and power, and
of the balance between federal and local control, as these affect the
education of young children.”
I would urge Bruni to drop the gratuitous rhetoric of “welling
hysteria”, and do his homework. An opinion piece on the loss of local
control of public education has very serious implications that he has
either missed or ignored.
Similarly, Bruni’s “from left-wing paranoiacs, who imagine some
conspiracy to ultimately privatize education and create a new frontier
of profits for money-mad plutocrats” could be a critical site for
inquiry. He could start with Pearson.
“Global education is a once-in-a-generation opportunity,” Pearson’s
CEO, John Fallon, stressed in explaining the company’s strategy for the
educational market in
Pearson’s 2012 annual report.
“We think education will turn out to be the great growth industry of
the 21st Century.” He states, “As the world’s leading learning company,
Pearson has a once-in-a generation opportunity. To seize it, we must
transform the company again. Our strategy is sound; we are now
In the 2012 annual report, Pearson states that “North American
education is Pearson’s largest business, with 2012 sales of ₤2,7 bn and
operating profit of ₤536 m” ($4.34 billion and $862 million
respectively, as of 11-7-13)”. The annual report also notes that, “In
the US we actively monitor changes through participation in advisory
boards and representation on standard setting committees. Our customer
relationships teams have detailed knowledge of each state market.”
Moreover, Pearson states that the company works “through our own
government relations team,” and that the company is also “monitoring
municipal funding and the impact on our education receivables.”
I would advise Bruni to be cautious in creating dualisms, and advise
him to adopt a position that relies on scientific research and not on
political ideology. Many scholars take a third position that is
transdisciplinary, combining insights from research in the physical,
social, and biological sciences, with systematic documentation of human
I would encourage Bruni to
unpackage his
unquestioning acceptance of the claim that the Common Core is a “laudable set of guidelines”.
On a daily basis I receive emails from researchers and educators on
specific aspects of the Common Core that are problematic. It is an ill
thought out, poorly constructed, inadequately researched national
experiment, in which public school children are the mandated
experimental subjects. It is an experiment that is being conducted
without parental permission and without institutional human subject
Given the tenor of Bruni’s “opinion” piece it is unlikely that the
last statement would sit well with him. I would encourage him to take up
the challenge, resist the pressures of policy makers, ditch the pundits
and talking heads, and conduct a thorough, data driven analysis.
He could start by visiting the website of the Center for the
Developing Child at Harvard University where he would find a link, among
many others, to a
recently published scientific paper by
the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. The paper
focuses on the importance of young children developing, as the
Scientific Council states, “in an environment of relationships”.
Bruni would find that this eminent group of child psychiatrists,
pediatricians, neuroscientists, and professors of child development,
working in the interface between science and public policy, draw
attention to the connections between young children’s social experiences
and the developing architecture of the brain: “healthy development
depends on the quality and reliability of a young child’s relationships
with the important people in his or her life, both within and outside
the family. Even the development of a child’s brain architecture depends
on the establishment of these relationships”.
The idea that children’s social environments can impact their brain
architecture is a significant scientific finding of which Bruni does not
seem to be aware. Given the high stress educational environments that
are a direct result of the Common Core experiment, the implications of
this scientific fact are potentially devastating for young children,
their families, and US society
At my meeting with Bruni I would encourage him to reflect on these
scientific findings, and on his disparaging remarks about the father who
spoke at the Poughkeepsie meeting with New York State Education
Commissioner John King. Putting the father on the spot was not only
unwarranted but also wrongheaded. The dad gets it. Bruni doesn’t. It is a
scientific fact that the higher the stress levels caused by
developmentally inappropriate classroom instruction, the less children
achieve in school.
I would also suggest to Bruni that if a social worker testifies that
elementary school children say they feel stupid and that school is too
hard, that they are throwing temper tantrums and begging to stay home,
that they are so upset they are vomiting, or if they say they are having
suicidal thoughts and they are self mutilating (cutting), no
New York Times reporter
or public official should so glibly dismiss such testimony.
If Bruni were in my graduate class I would tell him in no uncertain
terms that I regard his opinion with regard to the testimony of the
social worker to be grossly irresponsible. He states, “If children are
unraveling to this extent, it’s a grave problem”, but cautions that “we
need to ask ourselves how much panic is trickling down to kids from
their parents and whether we’re paying the price of having insulated
kids from blows to their egos”.
I would tell Bruni the implication of his “opinion” is that the
social worker is lying. She is not. I would advise him to take her
testimony seriously, and to give up the idea that kids in the US are
“insulated” from “blows to their ego”. I would point out to him that the
scientific evidence, both in the US and from international comparative
studies, leaves no doubt that children in the US are negative outliers
on every measure of health and well being of children in the developed
I would give Bruni a copy of
The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, and encourage him to visit the website of
Equality Trust. I would put in his hands the
Eleventh Innocenti Report Card,
Child well-being in rich countries: A comparative overview,
produced by the UNICEF Office of Research, and point out to him that
the bottom four places in the league tables on child well-being are
occupied by three of the poorest countries in the survey, Latvia,
Lithuania, and Romania, and by one of the richest, the United States of

(Photo Credit: Ben James Taylor)
Auguries of Innocence, by William Blake
Simply put, the high stress environments in which children in the US
are raised are unhealthy, detrimental to their well being, and have a
negative impact on their academic development. This is not opinion. It
is fact. Wilkinson and Pickett provide the epidemiological analysis
based on medical research as well as social science that they link to
poor academic achievement. These rankings correspond with the
international rankings of children’s health and well-being reported in
the Eleventh Innocenti Report Card, and in other similar international
comparative studies.
None of these negative findings should surprise Bruni. If you write opinions in the
New York Times,
many readers will ascribe to you both the authority and integrity of
the press. Given that this is the case, readers, especially parents and
teachers, should know that government officials have openly admitted
that to bring about unpopular educational reform “astute use of media
and communications have a proven ability to effect changes in mindsets
and actions”.
The quote is taken from an
infamous report entitled
“US Education Reform and National Security”. Condoleezza
Rice, the Secretary of State for the George W. Bush Administration, and
Joel Klein, CEO and Executive VP of News Corporation, who was once
Chancellor of New York City’s school system, co-chaired the committee
that produced the report. The report was written in support of the
Common Core.
Rice and Klein write, “This
public awareness campaign should be managed by a coalition of government, business, and military leaders. It
should aim to keep everyone in the country focused on the national goal
of improving education to safeguard America’s security today and in the
future”. They state “The group believes that a targeted, annual
campaign, led by the Department of Education in collaboration with the
U.S. States, the Department of Defense and State, and the intelligence
agencies could have this impact.”
Parents, teachers, and the public are not “coddling” kids, they are
trying to protect them. There is much in the report that is rational and
reasonable, but in a democratic society the overall tenor of the report
is chilling.
I would encourage Bruni to disaggregate the TIMSS-R data as David Berliner did
as far back as 2001. Berliner said then, as he has since with the data from 2009, that the “critics were misreading those scores”.
“TIMSS-R confirms a point many of us have long believed,” Berliner
wrote in 2001. “Not all our schools district should change. Despite the
doomsayers, some of our schools are doing fine. The U. S. average masks
the scores of students from terrific public schools and hides the scores
of students attending shamefully inadequate schools.”
“The moral is clear,” Berliner is decisive. “Average scores mislead
completely in a country as heterogeneous as ours. We have many excellent
public schools, and many that are not nearly as good. Those who want to
undermine our public schools often condemn the whole system rather than
face the inequities within it. They should focus their attention
instead on rescuing the underfunded and ill-equipped schools that are
failing children in our poorest neighborhoods.”
The bottom line is that there is a bifurcation of the US data in the
international league tables, and the indisputable problem is the high
rate of poverty and gross inequality that needs to be fixed.
To ensure that Bruni has the most recent data I would point him in the direction of the results from the 2012
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA),
which were released on December 3, 2013. These latest PISA test results
add to previous extensive evidence that extreme inequality in the US is
the most damaging factor impacting the educational achievement of US
“Get the data,” I would tell Bruni. “And do your own research.”
To get him started I’d suggest he take a look at Commissioner Jack
Buckley’s Briefing Slides, which were attached to the National Center
for Educational Statistics (NCES) December 3, 2013
“NCES Statement on PISA 2012”,
that presents the PISA data without any political spin. I would also
make sure that he knows that OECD is the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development and that ESCS stands for Economic, Social
and Cultural Status.
“The ESCS is a critical factor in any analysis of US students,” I
would explain, “because of the extreme inequality that we tolerate in
With a little digging Bruni would find that US fifteen year old
students in the high poverty group, who were in bottom quarter on the
OECD scale of ESCS, had low scores in math, science and reading. Thus we
can state that US students who are the recipients of America’s extreme
inequality in the US scored significantly below the US and OECD average
scores. Furthermore, these US students, who are deprived of the
fundamental right to a public education comparable with US students in
well funded school districts, had scores comparable to students in high
poverty countries such as Kazakhstan, Romania and Cyprus.
In contrast, US fifteen year old students in the top quarter on the OECD ESCS scale had average scores that would rank around
second in reading,
fourth in math, and ninth in science when compared to the
worldwide country averages. The
“score gaps” between the top and bottom quarter ESCS groups of US fifteen year olds were found to be
significant in all three areas – math, science and reading.
It is also important to note that three US states, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, and Florida opted to have the PISA tests administered to
additional students so that they could receive their own ratings. The
analysis of the disaggregated data revealed that Massachusetts and
Connecticut students achieved outstanding results on a worldwide basis
in reading and science and solid scores in math. However, Florida
students scored significantly lower in math and science than the US
average and only average in reading. This is critical data for Bruni to
consider, given that Florida, which has higher rates of poverty, has
also been a leader of the educational reform movement that has lead to
the establishment of the Common Core.
Could it be that the Common Core is now a critical factor in what
Education Secretary Arne Duncan has stated is “a picture of education stagnation”?
Whatever the argument that is presented by policy makers and pundits,
US policy makers can no longer state that the current educational
reforms are “evidence based”. To the contrary, there is overwhelming
scientific evidence that they are not.
Helen Ladd states that current educational reforms “have the potential to do serious harm” in her
presidential address,
Education and Poverty: Confronting the Evidence, to
the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM),
November, 2011. Ladd writes, “Because these policy initiatives do not
directly address the educational challenges experienced by disadvantaged
students, they have contributed little – and are not likely to
contribute much in the future – to raising overall students achievement
or to reducing achievement and educational attainment gaps between
advantaged and disadvantaged students”.
At my meeting with Bruni I would urge him to reconsider his opinion
based on the evidence. I would encourage him to read the Rice-Klein
report and to take seriously the three M’s – the politically sanctioned
monetization, marketization
and militarization of public education.
I would suggest that he juxtapose this documentation with the
research presented by Wilkinson and Pickett, and ask himself why it is
that children in the US are a negative statistical outlier on every
international comparative analysis of health, well-being, and academic
development. If he needs more evidence of the depth of the problem, I
would add one more data set for him to study, the
Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) research.
I would put it to him that the situation
is very grave indeed,
that we are in the middle of a national emergency, and that the people
who are speaking up have been so disenfranchised that no public official
or newspaper reporter is listening to them.
I would tell him I stand with the father of the eight year old who
spoke up. His son isn’t “bubble wrapped”, he is “fill-in-the-bubble
trapped”. I stand with all the
teachers and parents in Poughkeepsie who were brave enough to stand up to John King, even though they knew he would denigrate them, as he did.
I stand against the real negative outliers, who are the architects of
the Common Core, the policy makers who have mandated it, and the
multinational corporations who profit from it.
I stand for a new government mandate that
no child shall come to school hungry, that every child shall have a bed to sleep on at night and a place to call “home”, that
no child shall be left behind riding the subways or buses at night or sleeping in hospital emergency waiting rooms, as they do in New York City, and that
no child shall
be called “human capital” in any official report on educational reform
and national security, as they are in the Rice-Klein report.
If America’s children are not safe then how can the nation be safe?
I stand with the social worker who testified that elementary school
children are distressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts and who
reported that children are self mutilating. I stand with the
principals, teachers, and parents who are vocal in this struggle, with
Save Our Schools Movement, and with the
OPT Out Movement. I stand with the teachers in
Garfield High School in Seattle who
refused to test the children in their school. .
I stand for a cessation of the developmentally
testing of young children, and for no tests to be administered before
fourth grade. I stand for school districts to be allowed to reallocate
the vast amounts of money they are presently forced to spend on testing
so the money can be a funding source for
developmentally appropriate curricular practices to ensure the health and well being of children as well as their academic development.
I stand for a nationwide emergency relief effort for children in high
poverty schools, including a first response mobilization of the public
to fill the classrooms of children who are poor with children’s books
and all other essential school supplies.
Our schools should be filled with children who are not hungry, who
are not among the most anxious children in the world, who participate in
learning activities enhanced by technology, who conduct science
experiments, participate in math projects, play musical instruments in
bands and orchestras, sing in choirs, collaborate in art projects,
actively engage in reading fiction and nonfiction paper and virtual
and write on paper and tablets.
This is what it will take to nurture children’s imagination and creativity and enhance their scholarship, nothing less.
School can be and often is hard work, but it does not have to be
“mirthless”, as Bruni would have us believe. Learning is quite literally
and metaphorically about minds and hearts, and it can actually be
Let’s hope Bruni stands up for the nation’s children, and that the
New York Times rethinks
the editorial stance the newspaper has taken on public education, and
does some investigative reporting first, to uncover why the scientific
evidence is being obfuscated, and second, why the national emergency
that is currently taking place in America’s public schools is not being
The street art on the Garn Press Website accompanying this response to Frank Bruni is a line from
Auguries of Innocence, by William Blake:
Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born,
Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.
Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night.