parent should reach out to their local and statewide electeds to write
letters and collect petition signatures to oppose the proliferation of
the Success Academy Charters [6 of them!] and those of Eva’s husband [Citizens of the World Charter School 1 and 2]. See below.
is trying to jam in as many of her schools in our school buildings as
possible and profit off the taxpayers’ expense before the mayor leaves
office, just in case the astroturf Rhee group on whose board she sits
doesn’t manage to engineer the election in her direction. Same with her
Send in your comments to charters@suny.edu before May 21!
- The Institute anticipates making any positive recommendations about these proposals to the SUNY Trustees for consideration at their June 2012 meeting (currently scheduled for June 11-12, 2012). As a result, comments will be accepted through May 21, 2012.
New York City
NYC CSD #2 (Manhattan)
- Success Academy Charter School - Manhattan 1
- Success Academy Charter School - Manhattan 2
- Proposal Summary
- Complete Proposal (minus petitions, see note below)
- Note: Signed petitions included as evidence of community support in this proposal were extracted into the three separate electronic files below due to the very large file size:
Part 3
NYC CSD #4 (Manhattan)
- Success Academy Charter School - Manhattan 3
- Proposal Summary
- Complete Proposal (minus petitions, see note below)
- Note: Signed petitions included as evidence of community support in this proposal were extracted into the three separate electronic files below due to the very large file size:
NYC CSD #13 (Brooklyn)
- Success Academy Charter School - Brooklyn 5
- Proposal Summary
- Complete Proposal (minus petitions, see note below)
- Note: Signed petitions included as evidence of community support in this proposal were extracted into the three separate electronic files below due to the very large file size:
NYC CSD #14 (Brooklyn)
- Citizens of the World Charter School New York 1
- Citizens of the World Charter School New York 2
NYC CSD #17 (Brooklyn)
- Success Academy Charter School - Brooklyn 6
- Success Academy Charter School - Brooklyn 7
- Proposal Summary
- Complete Proposal (minus petitions, see note below)
- Note: Signed petitions included as evidence of community support in this proposal were extracted into the three separate electronic files below due to the very large file size:
From: Proctor, Cynthia [mailto:Cynthia.Proctor@suny. edu]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 5:21 PM
To: Leonie Haimson
Subject: FW: what is the timeline for comment on the latest list of applications?
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 5:21 PM
To: Leonie Haimson
Subject: FW: what is the timeline for comment on the latest list of applications?
Ms. Haimson:
The best source of information on the new proposals is the Active Proposals page on the Institute’s website at: http://www.newyorkcharters. org/ActiveProposals.htm.
page is also accessed by the home page – under What’s New? – and
includes instructions for how to submit comments to SUNY and also
includes a quick link to the Public List – a summary table that lists
key details and the status of each proposal.
In the Institute’s initial RFP, the timeline for the spring review cycle http://www.newyorkcharters. org/openAppTimeline.htm
indicated that the Institute would make its recommendations to the
SUNY Trustees at their May or June 2012 meeting. The public notices
associated with the new proposals indicated the specific date of the May
meeting as the earliest date in which the Trustees would consider the
proposals: http://www.newyorkcharters. org/documents/ NYCPublicSchoolAndNo- PublicSchoolNewSchoolNotice. pdf.
Institute has reached a determination this week that any positive
recommendations will be brought to the June meeting, currently scheduled
for June 11 & 12, 2012: http://www.suny.edu/Board_of_ Trustees/meetingschedule.cfm
We have updated the active proposals page accordingly, noting that we will accept comments through May 21, 2012.
- Cynthia
Cynthia M. Proctor
Director of Public Affairs
SUNY Charter Schools Institute
41 State Street, Suite 700
Albany, New York 12207
518/433-8277, ext. 2051
Director of Public Affairs
SUNY Charter Schools Institute
41 State Street, Suite 700
Albany, New York 12207
518/433-8277, ext. 2051
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